Sinavax Sdn. Bhd.
Company Number
200601024209 (743963-V)
Manufacturer and commercialization of ruminant livestock vaccination products and other R&D products
Date Incorporation
04th October 2021
Name of the Researcher
Prof. Dr. Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid
Faculty of Fisheries & Food Science (FPSM)
Intellectual Property
Mannheimia Haemolytica Vaccine (MY-152263-A)
MannheimiosisIntranasal Spray Vaccine
- First intranasal spray vaccine for sheep
and goats in the world
- Patented and owned by UMT
- Proven effective with 95% protection against pneumonic mannheimiosis in sheep and goats
- Easy to administer, doesn’t need a veterinarian to do it
- Time saving, less labors and no pain to animals
- Environmental friendly – no needle and syringes needed
- No pain or temporary lameness after vaccination

Our Team

Prof. Dr. Mohd Effendy Abd Wahid
Faculty of Fisheries & Food Science (FPSM)
- 09 669 5014