VSG Labs Sdn. Bhd
Company Number
202101028461 (1428761-H)
Developers and manufacturers of virtual simulation software
Date Incorporation
04th October 2021
Name of the Researcher
Profesor Madya Dr. Ahmad Faisal Bin Mohamad Ayob
Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology & Informatics (FTKKI)
Intellectual Property
Marine Vehicle Operation Simulator Within Mobile Environment
VSG Labs Sdn. Bhd. Is a product company focusing on virtual-reality based tools development and training system founded in 2021. The team inside of VSG possess track records in ship simulator development, Smart automotive system, offshore monitoring. VSG has delivered to several client to conduct physics-based Engineering analysis and training modules.
Port Master : 2021 is a mobile-based ship simulator. Harness your ship maneuvering skills via The seat of a helmsman and berth your ship safely in a range of 60 ports in the simulation. Dock A large ship to improve your berthing skills, while maintaining the safety and health status of the ship.

Our Team

Profesor Madya Dr. Ahmad Faisal Bin Mohamad Ayob
Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology & Informatics (FTKKI)
- 09 669 3391
- ahmad.faisal@umt.edu.my